ChaptersLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Chapters Chapters has selected their winning logo design. For $375 they received 199 designs from 31 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by rapunzel Return to Contest Return to Contest 1st #194 Withdrawn New #195 Withdrawn New #186 Withdrawn New #185 Withdrawn New #158 Withdrawn New #157 Withdrawn New #156 Withdrawn New #153 Withdrawn New #152 Withdrawn New #151 Withdrawn New #147 Withdrawn New #126 Discussion rapunzel Logo Designer #126Hi,Please let me know if you'd like any revisions. I'd be happy to provide them. Thanks!Pam 10 years ago sandyd5 Client Hi Pam, Thanks for your entry. I really like the book in this logo. Can you try encompassing in a circle. Also put "bistro and bar" in lower case. Thanks, Sandy 10 years ago rapunzel Logo Designer Hi Sandy,Thanks for the feedback! I'll revise my design accordingly and resubmit.Thanks,Pam 10 years ago rapunzel Logo Designer #147 - added the circle, and set "bistro and bar" in lowercase. I wasn't sure if you wanted the text in the round as well, so I'm working on that option next. Also, let me know if you'd prefer a complete circle rather than the divided circle.Thanks so much!Pam 10 years ago rapunzel Logo Designer #151 & #152 - variations with the text still as in #147#153, #156, #157, #158 - variations with the text in a circleLet me know if there's anything in any of these options you would like changed, or combined. I'm always happy to provided revisions and new options.Thanks! Pam 10 years ago sandyd5 Client Thanks again Pam. The circle isn't working for me. Can you put "bistro and bar" in lower case on #126. Sandy 10 years ago rapunzel Logo Designer Hi Sandy,I agree, the circle doesn't work. Sorry!#185 - changed "bistro & bar" to lowercase#186 - different font option for CHAPTERSThanks for the feedback!Pam 10 years ago rapunzel Logo Designer Hi Sandy,Just 2 slight variations on #186:#194 - CHAPTERS is slightly arched (letters remain straight up but rise slightly to create and arch)#195 - CHAPTERS is slightly arced (letters tilt slightly to follow a curve)Have a nice Easter weekend!Pam 9 years ago