Chapmuzic ProductionsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Chapmuzic Productions

Chapmuzic Productions has selected their winning logo design.

For $550 they received 121 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.


















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Logo Designer
Here are a couple of thoughts, using a stylized musical note in place of the M.

(This comment references Entry #1)
13 years ago
Like this idea. never considered this approach. perhaps you conuld consider somevariation in the font for productions and incorporating and instrument or equipment element. i understand that we cant make the design too busy. Thank you for your effort thus far and thank you for entering my tournament!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for your very valuable really helps us designers to zero-in on exactly the specific look you're going for. As requested in your previous post, I'm submitting two more concepts (one a variation). They feature a musical instrument and an equipment (microphone) motif...not together in the same logo, of course, since, as you correctly pointed out, it would make the design "too busy" and cluttered. I utilized a different typeface for the word "productions," too. You mentioned how you like the embossed, reflective treatment, so I continued with that theme on the microphone and type to hopefully make it "pop" off the page. I liked your website, too, by the way. Nice design!
13 years ago
I love #15 is there s background color element that could go in the background like a black circle to give the mic a little additiitional pop! Prefer the music notes on#14 but the design on#16 could the sax become the "Z" ?

Great work!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
As requested, I've revised the mic concept to include a black circle in the background, which, indeed, DOES help the overall look of the logo. I did a version where I redrew the sax to more resemble the letter "Z," and subsequently positioned it into the "Chapmuzic" line, replacing the letter. I also incorporated the music notes from previous design #14. I like the look of it on the black background; however, I'd like your feedback as to whether or not you think "Chapmuzic" is readable with the inclusion of the art.

Thanks again!

(This comment references Entry #19)
13 years ago
Yes indeed the sax as the "Z" does present more of an issue than I realized especially at the current scale. Isit possible to make it smaller but still have it benefit the design? #15/#20 Is it possible to make the word productions a little larger with out throwing off the balance of the design?

Thanks for your great work!!!


13 years ago
Logo Designer
I resized the sax on #19, making it smaller and rotated it to the right in order to make it look more like a Z. I also took the liberty of giving the name a .5 pt white stroke around the letters so they stand out better on the black background. Obviously, having the sax larger is more visually appealing, but I think it still works in the smaller size. Please let me know if you think it reads better this way.

I made the word "productions" larger on #15 and #20, and also used a white stroke around the letters so they would stand out from the microphone art in the background.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
As requested, I'm including a version of #20, this time with "CMP" replacing the full name. Let me know what you think. Thanks for your continuing feedback!

(This comment references Entry #51)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I checked in tonight on the standings and was sorry to see you now have my design #20 ranked second. Are there any other variations you'd like to see in that concept...or any others I've submitted...before you make your final decision? I must admit, it's a difficult choice you're going to have to've received lots of outstanding designs! Best wishes, Jim.
13 years ago

Your work has been outstanding from the start and continued! You are correct this is a very difficult choice and the top5 are very close in my mind! Could I see the the purple and silver replaced with perhaps bronze & gold or rust & gold. The design has som futuristic elements I really like however I am also drawn to some of the classic feeling elements in some of the other designs. I'm still deciding!

Thank you for your continued hard work!


13 years ago
Logo Designer
I will work up some variations for you incorporating your input. I can also try replacing the more modern typeface I used with a more classic one. As before, your suggestions have been very helpful. Enjoy the weekend!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
I've taken #20 and totally reworked it as per your requests, changing the purple and silver of the microphone to a gold color, the black circle to a bronze/rust color, and the typefaces to a more classic face. Let me know if I'm heading in the direction you're envisioning. Thanks much!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
After reviewing my last two submissions from this morning on the site, I thought the tltle word "ChapMusic" was somewhat difficult to read on the circle and black background (although the original file is very readable on my monitor). I decided to give you a version where I simply reversed out the type to white to increase legibility. Hope this works better for you.

(This comment references Entry #91)
13 years ago

I see what you mean about the text however the all white for me was to stark and very flat. I also prefer to see the "M" in lowercase for the word "Chapmuzic" Not sure that you needed to abandon the other font with the color change. I think the mic lacks the definition in your earlier design perhaps more outline? not sure that you need to take the handle to black. I'm missing the embossed feel in the new design...I do like the direction of the color.

Hope these comments are helpful!

Thank you again for your hard work

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Interesting you should mention the stark background because I had somewhat the same feeling, so I just submitted a new version (before I read your latest comment) where I put the mic, the type, and the brown circle on a rust colored background, which I think works better. I also did a gold-embossed treatment on "Chapmuzic," but didn't get the "M" done in lowercase yet. I'll do that right away. One clarification: did you say you wanted me to go back to the black handle on the mic? I'll go ahead and make that change as well and you can tell me your impressions. Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Please review my latest submission (#101) where I have tried to incorporate all the suggestions you made in your last posting. The letter "M" has been made lowercase, I changed the handle of the mic back to a black color from the previous gold, and I put a black outline around the top portion of the mic to make it stand out more. Let me know if these changes are in line with your thinking. If there are any other variations/alterations you'd like to see, I'll try to accommodate them before the clock runs out and you have to make your decision.

P.S. By the way, I'm very impressed you did TWO weddings in one evening!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's one final version before I call it a night, where I went back and used the typefaces from the prior concepts just to see how they looked in this rendition. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #109)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here's one last change on my submission #89, which you've ranked second so far: I made the "M" lowercase. Otherwise, it's the same. Thanks!

(This comment references Entry #114)
13 years ago
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