#3I really like much about this design. The tag line is especially well done. Have you considered showing (rather than just implying ) the gradual change in triangle size. Out name change in delta, really means change in change, or change times change, times change. I love the use of the gray, but think it’s got the wrong placement. IN is the weakest word in the title, not the one we want to draw the eye to. Can you place it behind delta? I’m of two minds about the main typography. In general I think sans serif fonts are more thinking, and much better for use on electronic screens, where much of our stuff will be seen, but the look you have seems to be working, so I’m inclined to want to keep it. By putting the gray behind the delta, that would change the typography for that one word to be the strong sans serif look and may achieve exactly what we are looking forward. I hope you’ll give this a second round.