I want a logo using that design and color of the earth... but inside, I want to reference my first place ranked logo using the lightbulb idea... from that, I want the globe to eminate light as if we had a great idea, keeping the renewable concept alive!
#118 and 119 are cool.. I like the center glow in 119... the sun rays are singular though, I just want it as if the sun was "eclipsed" by the earth, so there would be a thinner lining of yellow gradiated glow around the edges of the earth... Get rid of the italicized lettering on the slogan.. and make the lettering more masculine and prominent for a professional design.
This one is very neat! #119 is better than 118 lets work with that one.
I like 129... play around and try to be a little creative with the slogan, maybe have it wrap around the globe on the outside.. The Lettering needs a little work too, maybe black? Give the lettering a gradiated color too... be creative with the lettering. Good work so far! Keep it up! Thanks!
Also, make it so that all the sun rays are not uniformly the same length around the circumfrence... make them a little stagger, but keep it reasonably professional looking..
Okay... here it is... after going over this with the boss... This is what we want:
1) We want to see the United States and South America, so spin the globe on that... 2) We want to use the same light gradiated green that you used for the color of the continents 3) Use a light, gradiated blue for the water 4) Give us Sun Rays almost as you have already, but we want to have the rays shooting out in various random lengths, so that the rays are not uniformly coming out around the Earth... 5) Get rid of the tear drop on the bottom of the earth... and get rid of the split that is in the globe.
hi, here is the updated design based on your feedback #132.. I'm signing off for now to get some sleep, will follow up with your comment tomorrow morning (GMT+8) if any. Thanks~
#132 is great! Instead of the slogan on top of the world, put it back underneath Century Solar Supply... it just looks appropriate.
-Make the Green Continents the same gradiated color as in # 129 that looks really good - delete the shadow from the underside of the globe -Play with the lining of the continents, maybe yellow doesnt work? Black maybe? Dunno... -Make the blue oceans a gradiated blue, but do it like the world really is... make it lighter blue near the shores, and a bit darker (not too dark) in the ocean depths... -Finally Change the text of Century Solar Supply... we need something professional, masculine looking... and make the blue text the same gradiant as you make the ocean... -Keep the center of the sphere with that glow you have incorporated... no brighter, no darker that looks good as it is!
These details I have written to you are making your logo hard not to choose! Your creativity is serving you well my friend good job! Keep it up I look forward to seeing what you come out with next time...
I would like to See a professional theme applied to the Company Name... Check out http://www.fruitionpartners.com/... I like how they have a simple text to their company logo... right now the colors and everything about the company name are too flagrant, lets calm it down a little bit.
See if you can give me a few different designs with different text font..
Also give me one where there is a black gradiant, thin lining, around the edges of the earth(very thin). See what that looks like... Maybe make the blue a little darker? I like the effect that #129 had on the eyes, it sort of glowed, renewable, we want to make our logo like #129 but with the same colors if you know what I mean! Keep it creative!
#164 needs work done with blending the oceans into the continents.. the design seems a little unfinished, and a little too abstract. Make this a bit more professional looking!