1. Entry #28 & 54 - need to have the color scheme red, black, gray (no blues) 2. After changing the color schemes, we need to see both entry #28 & 54 with text below the logo and to the right of the logo.
What # red color are you using (please send #)? I like b70000, can you change the reds in these two entries along with the other modifications?
Can I see entry#58 1. With gray for both sides of the square (solid and filter designed) 2. Century Sales & Service - Black 3. A division of Timberlake & Dickson = Gray 4. Then see this combination with the text to the right
Can I see entry #64 1. Century Sales & Service - Black 2. Then see this combination with the text to the right
Alexander- can you please send entry # 74 without the background quickly to send to the client? I will then need to have the logo sent as a vector file with 300dpi sent to me as a psd. Is that something you can do?