I like the layout of all of your designs with the vertical Center for Executive Coaching. I like the orange Center for. However, none of the logos on left call to me or capture what the CEC is about.
I like the #26 with the dotted bridge effect. Is there a way to do that and have the words more vertical like #10? Also is there a way to make Clear Results and/or the rest of the tagline stand out more?
1. On #38, what if the dots also went under the two i's for a circle effect? 2. On #36, is there a way to deepen the orange color? 3. On #36 is there a way to better call out the tagline, especially Clear Results? I guess same is true for #38. It seems like I lose those 3 phrases a bit here.
#40 is really strong. My wife likes the horizontal ones better, because the dots connect the i's in a true bridge. Of those, #46 is the most interesting. What if you darkened the Center for color to make that pop more? Also, what if you tried a second version where you moved Center for under the dotted bridge? It seems like one way or another, you are leading this contest.
Thanks for the rank, this is some of my new entry #77 #78 #79 #80 just feel free to contact me if you have more revision or adjustment, i really glad to help you
#78 is solid. On clear results at bottom, can you change #78 to include the orange reverse text box for that phrase like in # 47? That might be the winner.
Please help. The attachment you sent didn't work for my web designer. Could you please resend to me at andrewneitlich@verizon.net, andrewneitlich@yahoo.com and to web designer Patrick at patrick@emc2webs.com
Send without zip if possible, as eps, png, jpg and any other normal formats. Thanks!