Welcome! Very simple. Easily embroidered. Well done. I'm leaning toward tennis courts and players more than racquets and balls right now. I saw your MLP Realty work. Any way you could use something similar and put a tennis court inside with simialr colors? Other ideas are welcome as well.
Well done. These are definitely feeling close. On #32, could you make the court blue with white court lines. The outside lines/slashes stay blue, and fill space stay green. On #28, could you put the design to the left or above the text/ name? I like the design. Maybe see what a blue tennis court instead of the tennis ball would look like.
I really, really like #39 and #40. Can the lettering be thicker and the logo be larger? This has awesome potential for both our storefront sign (#40) and embroidery and cards (#39) if it can be stronger. Don't change the colors, only sizes.
I know only rank 1 can submit so I'll be putting you in rank 1shortly. There are four of you being considered so I am putting each of you in. Thank you so much. Any way you can still try bolder lettering and larger logo?