Hi. We still like your logo concept. Using the original (#5) can you show us what it would look like with lines next to the word media? I'd also like to see the logo in the original color scheme but with the reflection from #50 but without the reflection carrying over to the words. Thanks!
I like where it’s heading. I'd like to see what it would look like if the fade went from dark to light from thick to thin on the leading one. I'd also like to see a a reverse image of this logo as well as a black and white representation.
Congratulations! You've won our tournament. I have a couple of requests:
1. #51 was chosen for the colors and the basic logo design. 2. We'd like to have you take the treatment from #93 around the word - Media - and add it to #51. 3. We'd also like a reverse image and grayscale version of the same.