Hi Many thanks for your design. I like the Entry# 101 a lot because the letters reminds me of dance movements and festivals. But could we try different colors in all 3 letters to make it a bit more vivid, vibrant and welcoming please. I also like the Entry #114 where the "Project Place" are in color block, it shows project place as a platform supporting CEE.
Can we elongate the "C" letter a bit so it does not look like a "L". At this moment, it reads more like "LEE" instead of "CEE"... thanks very much
I'm glad that you can capture the message I'm trying to convey in the logo. I used the brush script font style is to show the idea of festival and you are right about the block for "project place"
here's the version in colors with the "C" looks more like a C #124 #125 (with block underneath)
Hi, Many thanks for the new design. Love the entry #125, but is it possible to make the project place a bit more obvious please? My business card will be in white, a bit afraid the gray block with white letters will go missing...