Hi JD, #9 looks great. can we try with a black tree ... then have cedar type in green and investments type in black. Also good to have tree in green, Cedar in green and Investments in black. can't thank you enough. this one is becoming my favorite. Regards, rob
JD. also for #8 can I we make the Cedar a little smaller and the Investments underneath bigger. Make the spaing on teh investments tighter ... fit right under the Cedar type. I like this one as it will take less space on business card. But feel that currnet logo has Cedar to big and investments too small. May end up gong with this design.
JD, 15 is definately my number 1 compared to other artwork. Wanted to see if you could play with type a little to have Cedar exactly fit over the investments (left and right side). maybe play with letter spacing or reduce size. rgds, Rob
JD for number 19 (current number 1) can you change the gray type, mountain to brown (see what it looks like). Also would like to have the investments type a little larger. Separately can you take #19 and change mountains to same as #20 but lets nix the sun. rgds, Rob
#22 - JD, almost there with this one. Three small requests: 1) Squeeze the text of investments together a little and make the font a bit larger 2) Make the font color on Investments a darker brown so it doesn't clash with the mountain in the back 3) The bottom right opening on the tree limb should probably show the mountain in the background vs. white space Thanks for the update, we're pleased with this one
One more comment. Can you put the mountains from #19 (and color them briwn like you did the hills) into #27? When I looked back, I missed that the mountains became hills. Thank you.
Hi JD, this will be last request. Can I see number 19. everything the same but changing "Investments" type to black and "investments" type size the same as #21. thank you.