We have selected you as winner. At teh moment we like this color the most but can you send us a file with all the color combinations you have tried please? We may change our mind on the color.. Best wishes and thanks a lot for your help
Hello, We have selected you as the winner. However to select the winner logo, we want to see couple different colors:
- This green with a yellow/orange/sun color coming from the bottom right side
- Couple other tones of green (since this a 'green' energy business
Once you submit these, we will select the winner logo today or tomorrow. Then we may ask for you to send us files on all the colors just incase we change our mind on the color later on.. Best wishes
Comment Activity
you may check #366,#367,#368,#369
- This green with a yellow/orange/sun color coming from the bottom right side
- Couple other tones of green (since this a 'green' energy business
Once you submit these, we will select the winner logo today or tomorrow. Then we may ask for you to send us files on all the colors just incase we change our mind on the color later on.. Best wishes
#193 #194