so i made a little research and i found out that even if the drop is a good symbol for lotion, still reminds of water and then wet, and the product is about being dry so it's not perfectly indicate for this design , unless you make a cross on top of the drop X which maybe will explain better but loose in beauty, so i haven't added nothing yet in the logo.
what i really liked in your website is first of all the clutch logo is beautiful, and the marketing you do is perfect, i love the picture of the tennis players and the list you made of occasions in which the product is necessary, and that's perfect like it is, you don't need to explain the entire product in a logo that most of the time will be seen very small
I really like this, those fonts pair nicely. You make a point with the simplicity, but this could work in certain settings and the word alone could work in others. When it comes to a text-only design, I think yours is my favorite.
you can test the visibility of the logo zooming out your browser ctrl + scroll back mouse wheel and you can see the logo is still meaningful also as its smallest size
thank you very much for your feedback, im working on new entries, however this is designed to be a standalone wordmark, i focused my design on the beauty of the type, it should be written on the front of a cream product , so it will be pretty straightforward for ones to recognize the brand, like nivea logo for example, it doesn't represent cream at all
hello here is my concept, is a unique wordmark, i designed the font entirely, you can notice how each letter comes out from a simple unique design element
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what i really liked in your website is first of all the clutch logo is beautiful, and the marketing you do is perfect, i love the picture of the tennis players and the list you made of occasions in which the product is necessary, and that's perfect like it is, you don't need to explain the entire product in a logo that most of the time will be seen very small
i also provided you with some more contemporary flat shadows on the new entries i've just uploaded
thank you again for your feedback
this is again not a font, but a wordmark designed from scratches