Hi, thank you for the feedback and for the rank. According to LT rules, you can have all the color or layout variations of the design you like, this is not a problem. Please post your comments for individual designers at individual designer's page, not at the public discussion area. Only general comments can be posted at public discussion area. I will work more on your project. Thank you! SN
#50 switch the colors of the name make it like the writing in #34.. and instead of the blue outline around the heart put a partial outline in blue of a house. Thanks, Chuck
Hi Chuck, Even though, the heart inside of a house is quite generic cliche, I can not do it now because another designer used it in this contest. I would have done it myself from the beginning if your business was a place for senior LIVING or a nursing HOME. In my understanding, your business is not about the house, but about the care and the "angels" :)
#70 Congratulations! Thanks for your responsiveness. This design is the one we could all agree on. I think the senior care needs to be bold or something where you can see it better. Thanks, Chuck