Hello Guzz-tee, thanks for your entres, them are nice. We look forwards to your devolped ideas. We are a Café, pastry shop, gourmet baker and we serve dine in or take away high quality food. As we have a wide range of product, we would like something which can be related with our business idea but not "lock up" with only one of them. This is why we don't want a too much classic cup of coffee or similar ideas. The smoke idea, as you can see, is the one that most designers are following. But if you have a different idea (quite nice your letterform) or, on the other hand, if you feel better with the smoke idea we would be very glad to see.
Hello Fabrizio, Thank you for liking my design. Iam really appreciate it. if I am given the opportunity to develop my ideas, I would feel very grateful and will make the best possible.
Hello Guzz, we are thinking could be the right direction, please note that we would like add our historical date 1953 and the slogan could be Cafè & Delicacies Dine In or Take Away, or similar so please keep in mind
Our favourite #230 #221 #233 our historical date of birth 1953 slogan Café & Delicacies
please could you adjust the colors in the way of pastry idea, for example custard color, chocolate color but keep in mind we mean ideally this way not too close with that. We told this because we are thinking that the colors are too much "mustard".
I hope you can understand what I mean, sorry for my bad english
wow, it's not easy, actually your first choice looks better brightness luminosity as #234 color style for the layout matter we haven't made up our mind yet between #245 #248 or a mix of them with reference at background ring #245 Please, could you mind show what I told above in the #234 color style and also in the #220 blue color style, this last because we are thinking that also your blue color idea can convey brightness luminosity life, so to summarize we like your first colors choise #234 #220 but we would like to see a layout selection for both colors. I hope I been able to explain what I mean, sorry for my bad english
we like so much what are you doing, feel free to go ahead to develop on this way. quite nice also #254 I would like to try to see the 3D ring of #230 (in your brown/gold color) on #253
please turn back to the word Delicacies we have a complaint about the word Patisserie, So the slogan is Café & Delicacies for now. We are thinking about something else.
we would like make little change on text, is it possible? If we like two of your designs, is it possible for us have two designs? If yes, let us know what condition will be apply. We don't want absolutly infringe any rule.
yes, it is possible, please feel free to let me know. of course, you can request more than one design to the contest winners. it does not violate any rules.
#307 we would like add the date since 1953 as in #256 #307 we would like to brighten a little bit the dark brown color of the band. #307 we would like to change the word Delicacies with the word Pastry House, as suit the best with or without the letter &
#292 we would like change Café & Delicacies in Café - Bakery - Pastry House #292 we would like change the color of the text in the same way as the new dark brown of #307 so the new #307 #292 could be "relatives".
if you have any idea to get "relationship feeling" with #307 and #292 feel free to show your ideas
we think that in the band of new #307 is not possible write all the words Café - Bakery - Pastry House, so do you think is possible to us have one with Café - Pastry House and one with Café - Bakery? So a total of three designs?
we would like to know what are your expertise area beyond logo design.
#323 -add The date since 1953 as in 256 -brighten a little bit the dark brown color of the band -change the word Delicacies with the word Pastry House. Iam still using The '&'.
#324 -change The word 'Café & Delicacies' into 'Café - Bakery - Pastry House' -also change the color of the text in the same way as The new dark brown of #323.
#325 -write The words 'Café - Pastry House'
all done, as you suggests 3 new design. but, if you find this 3 new design is still not ideal as you expect, please feel free to let me know.
I also make business cards, advertising design and t-shirt design.
very great job, only a last trim in #323 change letter "&" with "-" as in #325
I read in the FAQ area about many different kind of files, actually I don't know so much about the matter, I'm asking you to give us all of them, so we are sure that one of them will work in the way as needed.
Thank you so much
"What file formats will I receive? Your final file package will include an EPS vector file (industry standard) and various sized JPGs for different uses. Additional formats can be requested directly from the winning Designer via PM or email. You have 2 weeks after the winner is chosen to request file types and variations of the original design as stated: (1) Color (PNG for web), (1) Black and white (JPG), (1) Solid color (JPG), (1) High Resolution color (JPG). You may switch file types if you do not require the above. Please be specific. Any other variations and file types will need to be worked out with the designer at his or her normal rates."
"What file types am I required to provide the customer? You must provide (1) EPS with fully editable vectors (Adobe CS3 or earlier) and (1) JPG at 1000 X 800 pixels (upload to site). The client has 2 weeks after the winner is chosen to request file types and variations of the original design as stated: (1) Color (PNG for web), (1) Black and white (JPG), (1) Solid color (JPG), (1) High Resolution color (JPG). If a client wants a different type instead of the ones mentioned, please provide. If the client wants to switch a different file type please make this allowance. It is appreciated that, as a courtesy, you not resort to overcharging the customer because you feel the original prize was too low."
#326 change The letter '&' with '-'. don't worry, I'll send all the files that you will need. also I'll give you my personal email, so you can contact me anytime. its a must to a designer to make sure our clients are satisfied present and the future.