That looks really good ... the only other suggestion I'd have is the tail. A cardinal's tail isn't a single large "feather" I really like what you've done so far .... moving that latest design up in the rankings!
Entry #54 I've made the head feathers slightly smaller.I think that now it's up to you to decide if you need something different in my design.I'll wait your comments. best regards boybud40
If you take a look at the head and tail feathers in #52 that might give you an idea of what I'd like to see done a bit differently .... thanks for your work.
Entry #58 Entry #59 Entry #60 Good morning from Greece, I've worked on the head feathers.I've aded black shadow and rebuild the shape.Also i've worked on the tail trying different positions.I hope you like them. best regards boybud40
I like the changes .... thank you very much! Can we try the latest three designs with the tail feathers about the same size? I'd like to see what they look like without the middle feather being so much longer than the other two. Thanks.
Entry #61 Entry #62 Entry #63 Entry #64 Hi from Greece, smaller tail feathers.On #64 they are almost the same size.On the others the middle feather is still a bit longer.I 've made also the hat tail bolder.Wait your comments. Vasilis
The only comment I've gotten from others who have looked at it is the eye .... to try to make it look more "friendly." I'm not sure how you do that, but have at it if you'd like. Thanks!