Can you replace the region with just a star. Also, any way of lightly referencing a river, mountain, building, and something for agriculture (maybe a corn stalk). perhaps the images can be very subtlety laid into the four color blocks (maybe they can break up each one into two instead of the current lines). Just a thought.
#65 and #66 are the new entries. I've included elements of water, mountain, corn stalk, and outline of buildings for the "urban" part of the logo, all of them in the simple "pictogram" style. I hope you like it.
I've uploaded the new entries - #89 and #90. I've tried to include all buildings surrounding the plaza, but they became so small that their details disappeared. So, I preferred to show only the Egg and Erastus Corning Tower.
Thanks for the update! We really like your design #90 and have ranked it at #1. Any chance you can send over the same thing, but add in Cleaner Greener Communities to the tag line. So it will say Capital Region Sustainability Plan and then Cleaner Greener Communities underneath it? We are just curious to see what that will look like. Thanks!
#104 and #105 - eight counties and eight systems... #106 and #107 - Capital Region set apart in eight counties and eight systems of the sustainability plan. I hope you like them.
Hi, We want to go with #89, but cna you please add in the Cleaner Greener Communities tagline from #96- ideally as a separate file. SO that we can have the file with or without the CLeaner Greener Communities tageline.
Will that be possible? We are going to close the tournament now with you as the winner! Thanks!
And thank you very much #119 I think is that what you wish. I'll make the logo in two versions - with and without the tagline. After you finalize the contest, I'll send you two packages of the two logos in different file formats and different color versions (f.e. - eps, pdf ... and in CMYK, Pantone, Greyscale etc.)