There is #41 with the requested changes, please let me know if works :)
While the contest open I cannot provide any personal mail or skype account, (site rules) but feel free to ask me if there is any doubt or something, I'll make my best to clear your doubts.
I submit some new ones in case you want to see more variations, your contest is still open, but you can "complete" it at any time if you wish. Once you decide to complete, the winner designer will submit to this same site, the 1st ranked (winner) proposal in .eps (original vector file) and a high resolution .jpg (image) file. If you need additional files they can be send to any personal mail you provide. Just we (designers) cannot give personal mails until the contest be completed.
If you have any question feel free to ask me, I'm go to bed now but I'll answer your questions early tomorrow.
Yep :) The only problem is that I cannot upload the final files until you complete the contest, then the site will ask me for the final files. My hands are tied because this is how the system of the site works. :(
There is an option as CH to complete your contest or choose winner, then you have to rank:
1st, 2nd and 3rd spots by different designers, then 4th to 10 place can be ranked as you wish. Then complete the contest and the site will send me a mail to upload the final files.
After I upload the final files you can check them, download and approve the final files, if they works correctly. When approved the final files the contest price will be released.
But the first step is you to complete the contest for please so I can complete the job uploading the final files.
Please tell me if this info helps or if I make it too much confuse.
Your final files are now uploaded on this same site (logotournament) I ask you for please to check them, if they works correctly I kindly ask you to accept the final files and complete the process of the site, if there is any other thing I can do for you please tell me.