Candev West Developments Inc.Logo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Candev West Developments Inc. Candev West Developments Inc. has selected their winning logo design. For $250 they received 143 designs from 26 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client aorlando Canada What We Do Construction/Development Company Industry Construction Color Preferences I would like a bright green type of colour, something that catches the eye and conveys environmental concern. Themes Refined Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st sue giacoman Withdrawn 2nd Vea Withdrawn 3rd hello07 Withdrawn 4th sue giacoman Withdrawn 5th sue giacoman Withdrawn 6th sue giacoman Withdrawn 7th Vea Withdrawn 8th sue giacoman Withdrawn 9th Vea Withdrawn 10th Mint Withdrawn New Vea Withdrawn New Vea Withdrawn New Mint Withdrawn New de.sign Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New ebonk Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman Withdrawn New sue giacoman New H2 New H2 New Kimmyk401 Withdrawn New sue giacoman New sethdesign Withdrawn New NZR Withdrawn New NZR Withdrawn New NZR Withdrawn New NZR Prefers others. sethdesign Prefers others. sethdesign Prefers others. sethdesign Prefers others. guavareal Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. Ngon A Djam Withdrawn Prefers others. Ngon A Djam Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. NZR Withdrawn Prefers others. sue giacoman Withdrawn Prefers others. sue giacoman Withdrawn Prefers others. vx Withdrawn Prefers others. vx Withdrawn Prefers others. vx Withdrawn Prefers others. sarahazhary Withdrawn Prefers others. sarahazhary Withdrawn Prefers others. sarahazhary Withdrawn Prefers others. sarahazhary Withdrawn Prefers others. sue giacoman Withdrawn Prefers others. phone_zoo Withdrawn Prefers others. Furyan Withdrawn Prefers others. Furyan 1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next > Discussion aorlando Client I need to change our company name to Candev West Construction Inc. 15 years ago WMdesign Logo Designer May I know is the main business is housing/real estate? 15 years ago 2BCreative Logo Designer only in Canada Eh! hahahahahaa 15 years ago