#1 - remove the slogan -- it's too small to be read; besides, it's not an official slogan -- just something to guide the vision for the logo. I am interested in the acronym "CIC" -- would like to see what you come up with with "CIC" as the main element and the "Cancer Immunotherapy Consortium" where you have the other smaller language. Not sure what the orange dots are -- people gathered around a conference table, maybe? I'd like to see another way to show people and/or academia/industry/government coming together to advance a new and promising class of cancer therapy. The blue is nice -- but it doesn't need to be all blue.
Thanks for the feedback. I meant the orange dots to be both killer T-cells attacking a cancer cell and members of the consortium. I made a new version that may be more clear. Let me know if you want any other changes.
#22 - folks here are liking this one, and definitely want to see the CRI circle mark in the center, in the orange. Also, can the orange dots on the outside look more cellular than dots? You can mix up T cells and antibodies if you like.
#36 - thanks for playing this idea out. i like the CRI logo mark in the center. but, overall, the cells and antibodies look too distracting now. i'll show it to some others and see how they feel about it and let you know. thanks, again.
#36 - just got feedback from a key stakeholder. He really likes the antibodies and T-cells. Can you try different versions of this? Maybe some where they are thinner lines, perhaps, or fewer of them.
Also: can you try a version with the CRI logo in the middle reversed so that instead of an orange circle with four white dots you just have four orange dots?
#105, #107: the top T cell looks like "Oh no, Mister Bill!" (a face). Would you please fix that so it doesn't have two eyes and a mouth. Also, in addition to seeing the CRI circle mark in blue (See comments above), I would like to see a version where the T cells and antibodies are inside the second C -- fewer of them, I guess...just to see how that would look. It's not as powerful as the image of them attaching to the "C" (targeting cancer cells), but as much as we like the idea as it currently stands, there's a bit of whimsy to the look that would like to try countering, if possible. But, as I said before, it's a strong idea and I'm not knocking it out. I just would like to see the version with them inside the second C. Thanks.
#137: please remove the bottom-most T cell. and try the four orange dots in the blue. those are the only version changes I would like to see at this point. thank you.
hi, are you there? i'd like to name you the winner but first i would like to see just a couple more variations, as requested. if you need to contact me for any reason, you can email me at bbrewer@cancerresearch.org
excellent. can i see #172 and #174 with the "I" in "CIC" orange? ALSO: versions of these, with three of the four dots being blue and one orange -- so from top - blue, orange, blue, blue.
#137 - okay, we're almost there. decided we don't like the orange "I" -- now, can I see this version (#137) with the orange dots being instead blue-orange-blue-blue (from top to bottom)?