change the leaf to red and the circle and people to blacks/greys and replace the stars with CYFF adjust the size of the words Canadian Young Farmers. try adding educate, energize, empower in small under the organizations name.
#112 ... can you please make these minor adjustments ... 1. change the words "canadian young farmers forum" to red 2. change "educate, energize, empower" to black 3. change the green half circle to a grey tone 4. reduce the size of the people and tone down the shade of black... thanks, I look forward to seeing the revised copy of this layout
Thank you.... #119 can we remove one of the images of a person? Also would like to see the letters CYFF centered in the leaf... possible have the image of the one person integrated into one of the letters, such as the Y?
sorry, it seems I can't do that. because there is another designer who makes images of people with Y #8 I will try another way, and hopfully meets your expectations
I apologize, because I can no longer enter your contest I lose in Logocourt as entry #163, is considered similar to the concept of belongs to fandoank #8, which I have described earlier Hopefully you get a logo that neets your expectations