#78 & #98 can you please try these in red and I like the idea of the people however I am not fond of the outline of the people you have in these logos, is there another outline of people you can try?
thank you, i like where this is going... on #121 can you please take away the green outside of the circle and make the white grey or black and thinner?
#121 can you please make the circle into a half circle and remove the white part that circles to the top. I like the shape of the leaf and the people, as well as, the words. I am just not completely fond of the full circle.
#246 ... if its not too late can you please change the sun to yellow, change the leaf to red, change the right of the bottom circle from red to black, and reduce the size of the letters CYFF (and make black)?
I want to make the request but I want to inform you that only the # 1 ranked designer is able to submit variations during judging mode. You can change the ranking any time you want.