The four squares come together in UNITY to create a feather, which represents both NATURE and bravery (CONFIDENCE). The circle filled with a cross, four equal lines pointing from the center to the spirits of the north, east, south, and west -- or to the basic element of EARTH, WATER, WIND, and FIRE. In Native American traditions, it forms the basic pattern of the medicine wheel and plays a vital part in major spiritual rituals.
#34 - We're liking this one a lot. Can you make the birds in the orange box a bit bigger. Not dominant, but enough that bleeding while printing becomes less of an issue. Also, is there any way to incorporate a girl into the image as an icon? Not quite sure how, so if you think it would break up the design, feel free to say so. In talking with thought maybe replacing one of the letters with an girl shape or adding into the picture, but neither idea sounded "right." Any feedback you can give would be appreciated.
Also, could you leave a note with your thoughts about how this could be modified to work for our other camp.
I tried changing a couple letters into girly shapes, however the modification seemed to take away from the logo itself.
Note: the same logo concept could be altered for Camp Amity Acres by changing the sky to yellow & purple and/or changing the bottom images to include a horse or climbing wall
#45, #47 - Can you update the girls in these so their hair isn't so horizontal. It looks a little like bike handle bars (probably not the best description).
#45 - is there a look with the lower right where you can have a girl, but not anything else. Concept being either a girl looking out over the water and/or girl looking at a camera as if the art was a photo. If you don't think this would look good, feel free to skip.
Note: this version could be adapted to the Amity Acres logo by changing the sky to purple & yellow or by adding a feather to the girls hair for Sacajawea and a cowboy hat for Amity Acres.
#74, #78, #102 - Can you update these with a new name - Sacajawea Day Camp, (another part of my meeting today). Also, can you do at least one of them with all the letters being lower case as with some of your earlier samples.
Out of curiosity, is that a publicly available font we could then incorporate for other uses?