Camp HarvestLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Camp Harvest

Camp Harvest has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 186 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.






























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We like that one can tell its a bald eagle in this art. We are not so much interested in an entire circle logo art; more of type design with only a little reference to eagle symbolism Could the eagle be simplified to be more stylized and integrated with type? Also, we don't wish to add more visual imagery with cabins & scenery.

We are open to the idea of the eagle wingspan, or feathers integrated somehow, but need your creative mind to make that work somehow. But we don't want to have an eagle face look menacing. More like soaring, regal strong eagle; not challenging or angry looking, so maybe we could accomplish that without the eyes or more silhouette?
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Perfect, that give me a lot of ideas to work with. I will be uploading more concepts in few hours.

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Lets' try this approach, #18
9 years ago
Ok #18 is AMAZING - You are talented and a good listener!
1. Its beautiful as is, but can you make a version of this where the CAMP HARVEST letters appear more legible (I am concerned about all the varied applications we might use this for and them running together. Maybe slightly taller and a little less condensed. I like the words have visual priority emphasis being above the wingspan.
2. Can you very very subtly make that beak appear somewhat into a cross symbol? Very subtle; it almost looks like it now - which I like VERY MUCH.
3. I'm no bird expert so the scale of the head looks a little large to me so i'm just questioning if it might look OK a little smaller?

Again - I am enjoying what you have created here!
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Sorry, I uploaded a new version #22 without noticing the last message you sent me. Please give me some time to update it accordingly to your suggestions.

Thanks a lot!

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, here you will find the head smaller #38 , definitely reads better this adjustment, cleaner!.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
#39 has a more curvy wings pointing up
9 years ago
Logo Designer
and finally #41 with curvy wings and some reflections on letters. If you have any other idea that you would like to try, please don't hesitate and let me know to start working right away. In the mean time, I am working on another concept.


9 years ago
In looking at all of these together, we have several preferences we'd like to share, but overall we are very pleased with your work:
1. We prefer the straighter wingspan as in #18, 22 & 38.
2. We prefer the smaller head in #38
3. We prefer the lettering sitting on the wings as in #18 - and same color black (with no highlight or gradiation/greyscale)

So eagle wingspans are very large, so would it be possible to stretch out the wingspan to allow more room for the lettering and potentially go up a font size or stretch to make letters taller? Your creative call on what that might actually look like, but the words are important to us...we are trying to visualize carving this out of wood!

9 years ago
In looking at all of these together, we have several preferences we'd like to share, but overall we are very pleased with your work:
1. We prefer the straighter wingspan as in #18, 22 & 38.
2. We prefer the smaller head in #38
3. We prefer the lettering sitting on the wings as in #18 - and same color black (with no highlight or gradiation/greyscale)

So eagle wingspans are very large, so would it be possible to stretch out the wingspan to allow more room for the lettering and potentially go up a font size or stretch to make letters taller? Your creative call on what that might actually look like, but the words are important to us...we are trying to visualize carving this out of wood!

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Perfect, I will upload the updated version as soon as possible!


9 years ago
Logo Designer

All the revisions where applied to #66 , which is exactly the same logo that we have in the first place at the moment, but this one doesn't have gradient nor a white line dividing the text and the eagle.

Version #67 has the following improvements, the text has more spacing in between letters and they are taller compare to the previous one, now the wingspan looks longer due to this effect, I also made a subtle adjustment in the feathers on the head, previous version where pointing downward creating the illusion of heaviness, now they are pointing in direction to the wings flow, believe it or not now the eagle looks more dynamic.


9 years ago
Your image is very distinct and we like it very much.

That said, we're wondering if you could consider giving it more of a weathered or camping vibe somehow but not changing the art; just possibly the color or incorporating slight texture - feathery, wood grain, etc.?? We still need the letters clearly legible so I may be asking for something that doesn't work with this image and I can understand that, so just let me know.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Sure no problem. I did this adjustment few minutes ago #72 , I think the text has a more impact now without having the character so big like before.

Let me start working on the new request, I will upload it as soon as possible.

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, here you will find a wooden texture on #76 & #77
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Probably the black version doesn't show the wood texture very well #78 due to its size on the screen
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, this version #91 has a more weathered edges and is not that black, which makes it look like the color has being faded out by time.

9 years ago
First let me say its a really good image in the first place, but some early team feedback was it appeared to motorbike for our purposes. Can we do a little less weathering on the lettering and keep the bird the same? I like the grey & that it appears more wood carved & weathered - gives it an outdoors vibe. Thank you.
9 years ago
Logo Designer
Great, how about this two approaches, less weathered on the edges #104 & #105

9 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, lets try something more readable like #158
9 years ago
If you go landscape with a design, then you don't need an eagle in it. You nailed the eagle already! We'll be deciding between an eagle reference or landscape reference for a logo mark and the simpler the better. I do like the colors and look of this new entry. Thank you for the concept presentation.
9 years ago
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