California Science Education ConferenceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / California Science Education Conference

California Science Education Conference has selected their winning logo design.

For $575 they received 67 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.






Thank you for your submission. I like the way you are going with this. I find the name of the event to be difficult to read. Perhaps a different font or color?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for feedback... I am in No Calif and know Palm Springs well... trying for a touch of retro without overdoing it... I can try other fonts but wanted to try outside the circle first.... let me know how you want me to modify more...
12 years ago
Logo Designer
also I am keeping this to solid colors rather than gradients which is easier to print or to embroider.
12 years ago
Dear Business Builder,

That is much easier to read. We don't have to worry about embroidery, we won't use it in that format. We will use it in a 4 color print process on paper and on the web.

Thank you again for your submission!
12 years ago
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