I like #3's container. What if you made the inner circle cover the whole circle, then rearrange the text so that it's not shaped in a circle way. Make it bigger, normal horizontal text, and see if you can fit in "Winter Camp" somewhere small at the bottom? Looking sharp though.
Ok, I think I like the yellow. Let's modify #65 with the more spacing on the winter camp, remove the stars where they are currently and place larger versions of them in the center of two empty spots on either side.
#77 - Looking good. I just had an idea. Can you change the container shape to a square or a square with rounded edges? Maybe that would allow space to make the text bigger.
I got the final .eps, but can you send me the file where I can edit the text if we need to insert Chinese characters in the future? beuler@wanetusa.org
I got the final .eps, but can you send me the file where I can edit the text if we need to insert Chinese characters in the future? beuler@wanetusa.org