Like the overall image Could we try having the words organic and California in white on a red background Trying to suggest burger shape image without drawing a bun. Like the font. Like the way it connects to the border. Look forward to your ideas.
We like the original designs best. Trying to keep it simple. Still really like #27, #32, #33. Could we try 28 with a green line running through the middle of the letters in Calibur? Could we see 28 without the thin white line extending from the words organic and California.
Here are the updates on 28 that you requested. #55 / #55 I didn't understand what you meant by « line running through the middle of the letters in Calibur».
we still really like 27, can you do it with the organic and california off set to be parallel with the word calibur, like all the other ones. is it possible to see it without the red line under organic and over california.
also we really like 56, could we see that with green incorporated in different ways? (subtle - like shades on the word calibur)
Good morning to you! Thanks for the feed back.... your comments are kind of confusing but we can definitely work on them... even with what i understood.... :) #91 is 27's variant
So okay.... we have #91. My confusion is When you say same angle as Caliber ( thats what is mixing me up)... it's the same circular typography... do you want it slightly rotated a tad?
Just one note. I would like to upload one more design... #110 (or the one you choose) with a gradient background so my portfolio page looks more in tact.
I don't know what you mean by gradient background but that's fine with us..
We are nearly finished. We like #110. We would also like to see #140, without the top line and making the "C" more complete or finished looking. This might be the one we use for t-shirts.
Hi, I think we are done, just waiting to hear from partner.
We have not used logo tournament before, after we pick the winner, the files get uploaded and we approve, correct?
You mentioned earlier that both variants can be sent and also in black and white and inverted for dark surfaces. Would this be ok if we pick 141 and 142?