Hi Catalyst! thanks for your submissions. Can I see #19? Why was it withdrawn? I also very much like #21 I was wondering if you could straighten out the C and the S to match the other fonts? could you try making the emblyem a bit smaller in proportion to the words and possibly do some shadowing like in #4 (at the bottom of the box that contains the CNC there's a bit of a shadow). Thank you!
Great work. I like the #29 and #30 as much if not better. I like the all capitol letters of #29 and having CNC a bit larger vs caps of all the same size in #30. I love the "style exellence quality" under. Please space the words out a bit more and make the fonts a bit smaller so there is more of a difference between the Cabinets Northwest Co text. Otherwise, it's looking great.
#31- THANK YOU! I'm loving the way Cabinets Northwest Co. Looks, loving the way the Quality...etc looks below it. I feel like the box above got bigger and I'd like it to be the size of 29, and the shadow falls down almost into the words. We'll tweek that but I feel like we're really close. Someone got the feeling the box above looks like a window then we got an idea, a 3 dimensional box to resemble a cabinet, but the pieces aren't put together yet. As if they're falling into place are you with me? I will attach a drawing, see the brief. I am also attaching the drawing we send to customers, sort of that idea. Let me know! I'd like to see it in the blue colors you've been using, also with some gradiation and/or shading would be awesome. Oh we're so excited!
Hi Tess - I've put together my take on a 3D version, #41 I think is a bit 'solid' boxy looking, so once I tackled the perspective of a more 'open' view, #42 & #43 is what I've come up with. I've tried to keep it as 'light' as possible - #42 gives a little more depth in the main side panels. I've also kept it a more square shape, rather than rectangular. Let me know what you think anyway, thanks!
Nice work on these. I like colors of your box in #43. Shadowing below looks perfect. Nice and light and blown up. i'd like to see the top/lid of the box up a touch more, like if this was a frame from a film of a box falling together, go 1 or 2 frames earlier. Does that make sense? Also, I'm a bit concerned about how long the logo is in terms of printing it on marketing materials. Refer to the attachment of my drawing, I like your font of #29, but stack the words like in your #28, then add your slogan you made up in # 31 with the same spacing. Have them all line up from Left to Right. Cool?
Thank you again for all your hard work! I think you have a good point, let's change the slogan words to Quality | Integrity | Value which will give us a bit more room. And instead of the boxes between the world lets use a vertical line like this " | " between the words.
Also, I would like to tweak the word alignment just a hair. think of the curves of a vase where the "Cabinets" is alltogether just a hair wider than "Northwest Co." and the slogan line is also a hair larger than the "Northwest Co." and lines up with Cabinets. Visually, it should all look almost aligned (not quite mathamatically, if that makes sense). I just don't want it to look top heavy. The box is perfect as is the shadowing, love it! It's beautiful thank you again for your insight and inspiration. I'll look for your feedback. Sorry again to be MIA for a few days.
Can you also let me know how we do the file transfer?
Hi Tess, Changes made to slogan and text alignment. If it's all correct to you, when the contest is completed I'll get the files across to you. Thanks again! Catherine