Verrrrry Interesting. . . can you elaborate on this one? What is the concept behind it? Also, can you change the color green on synergy to more of a darker lime green (ra little more yellow in it).
Green energy theme with building construction elements. I hint at change through synergy with the breaking up of the old concepts leading to a new way of thinking that includes a energy conservation. I believe the logo has a forward feeling technological feel.
Great job. Yes, you nailed it. . how can we incorporate additional elements in the globe and the breaking up of the globe? It just needs just a little something.
I am open to any ideas you may have in order to incorporate additional elements into the design. For now, I will tweek the logo and present them to you. Thanks for your feedback. Stu.
thank you, pretty cool! #73 is still our favorite. . what about making the fragments a little deeper into the globe. . . but in a gradient effect kind of trickling less towards southwest(does this make sense)? or another option maybe doing a tone on tone (of green) of countries on the globe? I think that may give texture. .
Again, we love the concept, just feel it needs a "little" something.
We like # 128 - - - there seems to be a haze over Canada - - can we remove that? Once you remove the haze, can you show us the outcome (another entry) with the fragments a little further (towards east coast) but tricklin' off?
I happen to be on my computer right now. Ran into a little difficulty with the tilt because the world started out as a perfect circle and the pieces make it hard to compress it. I am going to squeeze it a little next.
Hello there...I am on the computer right now. I will stick with this until we get it right. First, I will make changes to the existing logo and give mock ups. Then I will create a new logo that is tilted etc. and see if it is better than the older version I have been working with. Here we go...
#159 Is a new version (from scratch). More continents, more breaking up, Earth shaped oblong and tilted. #160 Is this version with the whole thing tilted again. I think I like the earlier version. Let me know what I can do. Maybe one of these is it. Thanks for your input.
#172 and #173 have 3:00 closed up. I had to put the pieces back in so there are imperfections. Let me know if you want me to recreate this logo from scratch in order to make the Earth more perfectly smooth in that area.