Revealing the freedom within.
What We Do
Manual physical therapy focusing on the source of the problem (usually the spine) and the interconnected whole structure of the human body (including nerves, muscles, skeleton), restoring upright natural posture, and thereby restoring health, function, and mobility (flexibility) and preventing future pain, dysfunction, and chronic injuries.
Color Preferences
I'm not set on one particular color combination at this point. Open to simple yet striking. I could see combinations such as yellow/orange/black, yellow/orange/white, blue/purple/white
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Inspired by the definition of butterfly effect, (with reference to chaos theory) the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. Images show loops or rings like butterfly wings (Edward Lorenz graph, see image attached). And butterfly symbolism, with the transformation from caterpillar to cocoon/chrysalis to butterfly, and butterfly as symbol of life and lightness of being, hope, change. I like the images of abstract body parts as the wings of the butterfly, such as nerve synapses, or hands overlaying. I deal a lot with the neurological connections to muscle function, so that sounds cool. Also like the Lorenz graph images. Or the simple beauty of a butterfly.