#18: Definitely on the right track with this one. Can you emphasize BIS more? Also, try swapping the colors of the swirl (make it red) and the BIS (make it blue) to see how that looks? Any way to incorporate any grey at all? Nice work!
On #174: can you please give us a version with a vertical line between the graphic and the Business Informatoin Solutions text, also make Business Information Solutions grey. Thanks.
Instead of "Consulting" on 108 use "Consulting Group" (not bolded) instead. And no shadow. If you have time, could you also do it with a darker blue color? Thanks very much.
Hi, Thank you very much for considering my design. I just submit some entries based on your request, hope you love them. Let me know if you would like to see any further revisions...
Hi there, We are ready to pick a winner and want to check with you on a couple of things before we do. When you provide the logo (358) can you provide the existing version, a black and white version, a flat (no gradient version) and in addition the same three versions without the wording "Consulting Group" at the bottom? That would be 6 in total. Thanks!
The EPS file is showing jagged edges at the top. We really need this corrected as soon as possible in order for the logo to be useful for us. Hopefully this is a quick fix for you. Then please repost and/or email us the new EPS file. Thank you very much.
Also please save it with a transparent background instead of white. Thank you (if you don't mind could you also send the Adobe Illustrator files (.AI format)?