I have withdrawn #47 & #48 because another designer has claimed wings on an iron is his idea. #69 & #70 is a different idea with a little angle flying along with the iron and the flex forming a heart shape to give the impression that you really love ironing. I have tried some different colours but I wasn't sure if you liked brighter colours or not. I could try some other colours if you like the design and rank it in the Top 5.
Oh goodness that's disappointing. Number 47 is my personal top pick but I wasn't going to change rank until tomorrow. Are we able to go to "support" to get 47 re-instated? I haven't used this program before. Thank you for your updated designs. I have my heart set on 47 :(
#73 - a version of #72 with the colours of the iron and house swapped. I have left the colours of Bunbury's and the slogan unchanged because I think they link better (pink - house and Bunbury's, blue - iron and Ironing Angels).
I have reinstated #47 and also submitted a new design with the wings and the heart shaped flex just to see what it would like. Hope it doesn't make choosing more difficult.
#78 & #79 - versions of #47 with the heart flex added. I wasn't sure which colour combination you liked so I have done both. I think I prefer the the green/blue and pink.