#16 is my favorite. Could you only have the trailer and BulkLoadsNow spelled out on it? Maybe a swinging dump gate on the trailer and make it 3d. Thanks
#16 can you make more like a grain truck and trailer like the entry I have ranked 2nd? I like the image but reminds me more of a trash truck. A grain truck usually has hoppers underneath the trailer.
I've got #51 ranked as my third choice. If possible I'd like a more simple outline of the truck, also would like the truck itself to look more modern such as a freightliner or peterbuilt.
I really like the bottom hoppers. Could you also include a swinging dump gate on the back?
#69 looks awesome. I love having 2 truck and going different directions. I'd like to see th colors a little lighter, also maybe a lighter gray in the background.
Could you also make the outline more oval shaped? Could you also do one without any background or outline?
I enlarged the rectangle containing the company name and provided some color variations involving the lettering. Don't hesitate to let me know if this direction is missing the mark. I don't mind putting in the work! Thanks.