After looking at yours and a couple other designers I sent a few invites out, for styles that I think would be interesting and ones that I gravitate towards. I like your first attempt here but I do think it would be best if buildparts was one word, I do tend to like the drop mirror affect, but I am still on the fence as to whether I want the letters BP used as part of the Icon. I'm excited to see what others you come up with. I believe we will be hosting another contest after this one as well.
I'd like to see what it would look like if you make one using entry #1. Placing Icon above, with the words pushed together (I like this font much better than #5). Then using icon #1 with the dotted line (like on the icon from #2) creating a 3d box, but, without the four dots on the outside.
Sorry it took me so long to respond. as far as your designs go, I am leaning towards the 1st design but with the icon from #11... Not sure where the ".com" should go though.