Hello, here's concept, hard hat with a tassel. Please let me know if you would like for me to explore this idea a bit more and refine it. Thanks, DonGato
#1 - Don, LOVE the hard hat concept. Thanks for the quick response. I think it captures what we're trying to do very well and can be used in a variety of ways throughout the site (Twitter avatar, .ico file, etc.) Let's definitely explore.
Some comments:
* Try playing with the shape a bit. It could almost be mistaken for a mason's hat in its current form. * Love the color. Yellow works great here. * Don't feel obligated to use the tagline in the logo itself. We're still refining it and don't want to be stuck with it once we pick a logo. * I like (but don't love) the font for "Builders". The "Campus" clashes a bit for my eyes.
Love #10. What about keeping the "Builders" font and using something "academic" for the "Campus?" Looking back at your original design I think what I didn't like about the "Campus" font is that it didn't seem to convey anything.
#11 is okay but the crest and banner, while somewhat academic, seem to come on a bit strong in that regard.
Overall, the revisions are getting much much better ... thanks for the great work!
Can we play with some colors on this? My partner is thinking orange which is a common color on construction sites. And maybe a dark blue or other color for the font?
We're really close. More feedback from my partner, who spends a lot of time with hard hats and so is a good resource: * The hard hat has dual "ridges" -- would like to see a central dorsal ridge instead * Can we orient the hat towards viewer a little more? * Please remove the indentations around the crown. Soften/remove indentations * Increase contrast to make the ridge a bit more visible * Square off tassel so it's not so bushy
OK, here's the one with the revisions that you and your partner suggested. yeah, you are right, turning it a bit to the front makes a lot of difference along with a cleaner tassel. Thanks, Don Thank you,
We're really closing in here. New hard hat looks great. We're putting our website up concurrently at builderscampus.com. Looking at the layout of the site, spacing would work better with Builders Campus laying out next to each other and not on top.
Can you also do a treatment with a ".com" appended to the end? This is a fairly unsophisticated technological audience we're addressing. Thanks.