Funny thing is I was thinking of melon as a green (watermelon) not a pinkish color like the center of the melon so melon is what i was trying to give you on those, ha! Interior Design shows have changed colors for us artists out here, now there is melon, khaki, fuchsia, chocolate, etc. instead of red, blue, yellow, green, etc. =) I am going to try to change the dog a bit, have his head up like you mentioned, and also give him different ears. Is your sisters dog like the one on the attachment you added, brown with long black ears? Thanx Katrina!
No... The dog is solid brown...she has tried to upload a photo of the actual dog but is having trouble. This was going to be a surprise gift but she is now involved in the process... Better that way!
it's great of you to do this for her, what a perfect gift! I think branding is one of the most important things you can do for a business, so you're definitely on the right track. Thanx for being an active contest holder, so many aren't and designers love the feedback so we can get closer to what you want for your logo. I believe once you get past the open phase and into the top 5 you can start requesting specific revisions from the top designers, and those top 5 want to win so they will work with ya.
On entries 10 and 11 I did a more whimsical dog, and can also match the breed of dog better if your dog doesn't have the pointy ears and all that. It's almost playful puppy like with the big feet and baby deer like legs (what you would picture a dog into yoga having, long lean legs). I picked the head up and turned it back towards the body for several reasons. One was to have the image look more flowing and bendy, a fun movement to him, flexible. I also tried to picture a dog having to focus and then all of the sudden raise his head like "Squirrel!!!" so it's more of a playful dog bouncing on his front legs type pose, but also sort of a downward dog or child's pose. We can take it in any direction needed, with color or shapes. The #11 entry has almost a shadow effect as if the yoga mat is floating off the ground, just as an added design element. it might be too much, and I may need to simplify the logo a little more, but there are literally thousands of font choices out there and even custom ones if you use your own handwriting or something. The fonts will likely be the maker or breaker of the logo so we can try as many as we need to if you have any preferences on how it reads. Scripty, whimsical, clean or whatever style you like. Thanx again Katrina!
I don't think I'd go as far as making the leash turn into the words Brown Dog, it might be a little much and also make it a very skinny font, and therefore maybe difficult to read and reproduce on various products where you'll need the name to be seen at even very small sizes. You could play off the "unleash" part with a leash that looks like it is off his collar and rolled up under the name or off to the side, and only use it on shirt designs and places where you mention the unleashing. Sorry for the crazy background colors, I was just trying to get them to stand out from the crowd and also show you what they can look like against other colors for when you do bizz cards and other printed products featuring your logo. I'll also make sure to use the floppy ears on the future revisions. Can you at least tell me the breed of dog it is so I can draw one up very close to her actual dog. I hadn't seen a picture posted, but a breed is a good start. I'll avoid the block style but I think the Brown Dog portion of the name needs to be a little thicker than Yoga, where Yoga should be looser and more flowing, almost a script or decorative font. I think it would fit the feeling of yoga if it's thinner and showing more motion than the Brown Dog part of the name. I can maybe even make it almost wrap around the word Dog, almost helping it balance like arms and legs holding it. Do you like the dog stacked on top of the name or would you like to see one with the dog to the side of the name, the name stacked to be more square rather than drawn out? Thanx Katrina! Brian-
Idea Factory...thank you for your input. My sister has tried to upload a photo of her dog with little luck. It is a medium size mix breed dog with floppy ears...wish I could get photo up for designers. I think it's more like a pitbull/lab in size and shape...but has a sweet face and floppy's body is strong and muscular. I appreciate your thoughts about the leash...I think sometimes I want to overdo! I agree the yoga font should be different and I too like the loose and flowing font for yoga. She is involved now and will make the final decision. I hate that one of the contestants withdrew before the contest was over. Please continue to present your ideas...your the professional and we would like to see as many designs as possible. I think if you were going to design another with the dog on top of the name , she would like it stacked on top rather than to the side. Thanks for you efforts!
Hello Katrina, Because apparently some designers on this site have too much time on their hands, and spending time on thousands of logos that don't always win is not enough, they have to accuse others of unethical practices as well, I will no longer be able to compete in your contest, not even the logos that were not in question. I apologize. All my entries were removed, adding a permanent scare on my account b/c they said my dog silhouette was too close to the reference image I used for your logo. I looked for reference images for downward dog pose and a brown dog like your breed came up in my search results actually in the pose I would have used, so I thought how easy, I can draw mine this way, since it's only a silhouette and not a representation of the photo, not even showing a single detail, merely a basic idea of the image. I don't feel anything unethical was done on my part, but a rule is a rule, so taking influence from an image that is not mine is where the violation was. I used it as reference and to them it is the same as tracing it if you can look at the two and see that the image came from the other. It's an accurate representation of a dog so it is somewhat realistic and not cartoonish so it needs to look like the reference in my opinion, people do it all the time, even on here. I did not use details and made adjustments to alter it yet it was still too close for their tastes. One of the logo court voters was the number 2 ranked designer on the site so apparently he is an expert on these matters. Yes I am probably being a little bit sarcastic about it all, but i hate wasting my time, time i don't have an abundance of, to help those that need logos to choose from, like yourself, and to have this happen. You and I've lost time and it makes it difficult for me personally to want to go and contribute on this site in the future. Plus it embarrasses me that I look like an unethical artist. I have been creating art my entire life, have a masters degree in illustration, would never "need" to "trace" anything ever, and have been doing logos for almost 15 years. I've never been accused of being unoriginal or unethical, only clever and creative. So that I don't waste anymore of your time I will close my comment, but wanted to explain why you have a new number one choice. Sorry again! Good luck on your contest and hope you get what you need from the others... Brian-