Like your last entry ...we can't go with orange because a local restaurantblandmarkmis orange and brown. I looked closer at your profile and to be more specific about a vintage style... I like follow the music.. The skins... Both having burn out/faded lettering. If we wanted to get away from the whimsy could we just do a line drawing of a dogs face like you did in hobo dog ...I know time is running out but if you could at least change the colors and fade out the font on the last one I would appreciate it:)
Hi Katrina, When I get back to my design computer tonight, I'm planning on doing a version of #138 swapping the oragne & green, so the orange is not so dominaint.
Thanks don... You are definitely in my top five... I have been so busy working on my studio I havent had much time too look at all the portfolios. I might be getting back to to you with a few more requests regarding color ans style..thank you