We can easily set up an embroidery file for this but there will be 2 concerns. 1 - it will need to be a bit larger so the text and the details look sharp so probably 3.5" across at least. I can get a stitch estimate for that. 2 - gradients do not work with embroidery so it will need to be made solid and embroidered with either a metallic thread or a gold color that has a high sheen.
I will get the stitch estimate and let you know the stitch count.... we can also isolate 2 dancers only for some special alternate designs... so it holds the look and gives you a secondary image.
#10 thank you for that. I'm not so keen on the isolated dancers, what I enjoy about the original one is that it looks a bit like a tree and i love how that could mean growth or family. I really like the font too.
Thank you so much. I am really liking #102 but not sure if it's too busy for a logo, would like it to have the same colour definition as the original #18( which is still my favourite). I like the #18 in negative but would also like to see the colour change in the dancers as it makes it look a bit shiny and that is something I love in the original.
You can use different 'versions' of the logo for different purposes... it really depends on what you are printing it on... you can have a one color version to be etched/engraved on awards a multicolor version for printing on cards/brochures and a different more solid version for embroidery... You can also have a version where the circle of dancers can be broken apart or together... maybe one way if you are doing large signage and a different version for smaller needs using the same elements....
Thanks Carol, Yes, I think that's what it is I need to do. Within the boundaries of the competion what are you able to give me? Can I have more than one (on the same theme)?