We like your design #28 and it's one of our finalists; however if you're able to submit a revised design that has the "Dream It! Plan It! Work It!" in the upper left (where the red curve currently is), we'd like to see that. Basically, just rotate the circle 180 degrees so the "Dream It! Plan It! Work It!" is in the upper left corner and the red curve is at the bottom right. Thanks!
Also, with the design in #27, if you could add the "Dream It!" inside the yellow curve (in white text), the "Plan It!" in the red curve (in white text) and the "Work It!" in the blue curve (in white text), we'd like to see that design as well. And if you could extend the blue curve around the exclamation point of "Make It Happen!" that would be good to include before you submit this revised design. Thanks again!
Thanks for the feedback. I will make the revisions in the designs, but the Upload design button is unavailable since the contest is in the Selection round. How do I send you the revised designs? would email be fine?