I like the idea and it looks well designed but the look is a little too computer graphic for me. Reminds me of a game logo or something.
I'm hoping for something more subtle and soft, more human than computer. I also don't really like the full suit of colours in a logo, and would rather something with a more gentle look. Human based colours, or blues to show wisdom.
Even though we are redesigning the logo still needs to fit out current websites -- www.canadabridges.com, and www.unveilingyouthpotential.com -- so the grey white theme while classic, is harder to see fitting, as I'd prefer to have a colourless background to enable flexible in the use of the logo on different coloured backgrounds.
Hopefully this helps!
I was playing around with the idea of using the concept of the fibonacci series in the design somehow, but not really sure how this could look.
Hey cool! The "D" is the bridge! Thanks for submitting more entires, and for being so receptive to our feedback. These logos are certainly softer, and wise-looking, if that makes sense. ;)
However that said, I think at this point we are looking for something that also references "Unveiling Human Potential" in the imagery, not just bridging. This is a more challenging concept to represent as it is intangible, but central to our mandate as an organization.