Thanks for the design. It is a nice look for youth in creating bridges and the rocks could almost symbolize people as they grow and transform.
Unfortunately the overall feel is a little bit too young, like it's designed for elementary school kids and we tend to work with young adults, and our teachers are elders in each community. We would like to see a more sophisticated and deep feel in the design, and font selection.
I am very confused by your feedback... what rocks? This is based on the design of a Chinese walking bridge with three arches an the reflection in the water .... but obviously you didn't see it.
I work with young adults also.... will think about it a bit more.
Oh! I see it now, sorry. Neither myself nor my colleague saw the image..the new look is nice, but I'm not sure I like the real people look, and the blue in the title is fine, but don't really think the blue for the humans works.
Ultimately we're looking for something that has a stand alone image (apart from the words) that communicates a neutral colour palette, feel sophisticated and mature, human to human connections and a big plus if it indicates growth or potential in some way.
Hope that helps. Sorry for the confusing feedback.
thanks for feedback. Here is the icon bigger and neutral colors. The clear identification of a human form reaching to make a bridge like in the children's game might identify with your mission in a way - social skills start with that type of reaching out.... (I teach an ethics class to tweens and this has made me think on this topic a bit too)
I do appreciate the reaching out, and connecting to humans in some way. Especially in the classic human bridging sense.
For some reason it's just not catching me in the way I'd like it too. I think it's because we tend towards empowering individuals to be community leaders and so that individual empowerment piece isn't coming through in the image. We work a lot internationally teaching professional skills, and not just with youth so the logo needs to be flexible in that way!