Hi Desiree,
I have some questions to ask about your logos - I am specifically trying to decide between
#10 (first choice) and
#11 (second choice).
For the font of "photos", the color is great, but can you use a font that is crisper, the edges seem a bit rough and crackle like appearance? The font style is fine, but more solid.
Would it be possible for you to do this logo in the following files? Adobe illustrator, a scalable EPS, and a jpg version. Would need 300bpi.
For the watermark, a non-color version, a white, translucent and a darker one. I was thinking of using the same wording as the logo, but putting the Chickadee from
#20 on top of the lettering and making it bigger might be a better fit for the water mark.
I talked with my nephew this AM, and he is rather savvy in graphics, and I am a babe in the woods (not my realistic age though) :)
Would this be possible or am I asking too much. I have liked your designs from the start.
Thank you so much for your patience!