Breakthrough MMALogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Breakthrough MMA

Breakthrough MMA has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 106 designs from 19 different designers from around the world.










Logo Designer
Any changes you would like to see?
10 years ago
#38 - Could we see a different font? We currently use "Capture It" ( so maybe a similar font.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I have made changes you requested. I am currently unable to upload new files as the designer in second has filed a complaint regarding the brass knuckles in the design. I pulled them from some designs done years ago the knuckles were removed from final design and I have had them in a file ever since and was unaware they were possibly stock art. I have recreated them and will load new versions when possible. Sorry for the trouble had no intention of using stock art in your design.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I have uploaded a version using the suggested font.

My designs have been move to not ranked status because of the logo court. Just FYI the site admin ruled that the design was not a stock image. I did go ahead and recreate the image to look different from the sticker file you had upload with the contest just to be safe.
10 years ago
I dont like the new knuckles. I like the original knuckles with the new font.. Can you put that combo together?
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I combined the old knuckles with the new font in version #77.
10 years ago
Im still not crazy about the font if you have any other options you think might look good and I feel like the knuckles and the MMA is hard to see with that effect on them. Our #1 ranked logo has that 3D look and it makes it pop if you can incorporate that 3D look in any of your logos that would be great. I like the shape of the knuckles in #38 & 36 the best.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
I made some changes but I need to be ranked first to upload them.
10 years ago
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