Like the profile of these dogs, would it be possible to see it without the fuzzy edges? Also, anyway to bring the Brave One into horizontal with the Dog and make the text much bigger? Any variations on the patchwork would be interesting too, perhaps different patterns? Thanks!
It would be great also to see one of these with the space helmet as the "O" in "One"? If possible. This is by far our favorite dog for logo purposes. Thanks! We will move them up too.
thanks, I'm making the changes right now, I'll submit. so the helmet in O is Changcute concept so I can not do this or you mention it in the brief, I didn't see that right?.
Half of our partnership loves #83 and #93, so I am trying to convince him these are awesome (because I love them.) I have the following questions: Would it be possible to change the dog's stance so all legs show and it makes him look like he is stepping up onto something, but not like both his front feet are there yet? Right now he just looks like the ground is tilted at a diagonal. He is also not convinced on the patterns and color combinations, although I like #83, it would be great to see some more of these. Maybe also show us one with the Brave on one line, and the "One" on another? Thank you for your work on these!
Thanks for the additional variations, #104 and #83 are our favorites out of all of these. We are still struggling to get the dog right in both, we feel like the dog currently looks too much like a horse from afar, and for #104 looks too much like a puppy (not an adult noble proud fierce dog.) We don't necessarily need the dog to be raising its front feet, we did think originally that was cool looking, but made him look like he was being tilted. Now, we the changes in the feet it looks more horse bucking. We would like to avoid both those associations, so if it would be possible to see some either with him up on his legs "looking over" the logo, or with him standing on the ground with four solid feet on the ground. We'd like to see these variations in the same styles as #104 and #83 with the exception that we are still not sure that #83's pattern is right for the brand yet. Ideally, we'd see some pattern's/executions that are modern and interesting, and potentially colorful, but not too retro (as some say they currently are.). Thanks so much for your work on these, we are excited about them.
Just so you know, for #93 and #83, what we like is that the dog is sort of abstract and has a pattern in it. It doesn't need to be more dog-like, we like that it has potential to be a emblem all by itself.
We still have #104 in the running. Would it be possible to see some last minute variations of it with the following changes: 1) Will you change the dog to be more wolf-like? 2) Could we see a variation with just the body of a wolf? 3) Could we see one with just the head of a wolf?
We are almost there, we would like to see a couple of different variations with where we are at. With entry #167, could we see a version that includes a space helmet on the dog? The space helmet on him only needs to be a circle or halo around the dog's head. In other words, it can remain abstract and does't need to look realistic. Will you also then make sure the dog stays centered? So he might have to move a bit to make room for the helmet?
Could we also see a helmet added to entries #168 and 169, it's possible to do that we would have to shrink the dog's head a bit.
Can we also start to see some other colors? First, we'd like to see a darker cooler red for the box.
The two we are working off as in the lead at this point are #167 and #169. Can we see the following variations: For Both: 1) Can we see these variations and all future designs on a white background 2) Can we see these variations with a blue box instead of red? Or any other color variation you think might be appropriate and look modern and compelling?
For #169: 1) Can we see one variation of #169 that makes the red box around the head into the space helmet as a circle? So in other words there would be no box, just the red (or blue) circle around the negative space of the dog. Almost like if you removed the red outside of the helmet on #176, but made the circle bigger. 2) Can we do anything to the dog to make the dog look more dog like....right now we are a little worried it looks a bit like a horse. Anything we can do to go more dog less horse would be great.
For #167: 1) Can we see a variation that makes the dogs head point a bit less into the sky, just so he is looking a little more directly at the logo so he looks a little more dog-like?
So ideally you would post the following variations: 1) One like #169 but with a more dog like dog with a blue square 2) One like #169 but with a more dog like dog with a circle as the helmet and no square 3) One like #167 with a reconfigured dog in a blue square 4) Any other color variations to the above that may help us make a decision (other blue colors?)
We like the color and style of #223. We still aren't really sure if the dog is the right dog yet. We really want dog to look "brave" and be recognizable as a dog. The current dog in #223 isn't a similar bread to the space dogs of their day. Would it be possible to see #223 on a white background with some different dogs? Hopefully, one that can make it look strong and brave, distinct, and forward looking? We also have to keep avoiding making it look like a horse.
Someone mentioned to us that potentially part of the trouble might be that the box is so small. We would be open to see a version with a larger box, even if it was bigger that the text. Perhaps this would also make it possible to put the dog's body in and make it clearer that it is a dog? Thank you!
We have decided we like #223, but we still not sure it is the right dog. Can we see the same style and colors of #223 with a bunch of different potential dog silhouettes? Also, can we see all of them on a white background?