Love the new designs. Not sure about the stars on either side of the one. Like the dog. might be helpful to see these in black and white as well. #37 with the text on one line and a little bigger could be great as well. I always worry that the space helmet could look like one of those hoods that they put on dogs so they don't chew themselves when they are watch out for that too. Thanks so much for your great work.
Thanks for the feedback. I will work on the variations and see what I can do about the space helmet. I'm glad you like my work, really appreciate it. I love this contest, with the arty style. Thanks!
#123 is the best job we have seen of incorporating the helmet into the design of the logo. We'd love to see the dog looking forward more, and less turning back. He looks a little bit deer or moose like, so perhaps we could dogify him somehow. Also, could we see some interesting color variations for this one?
I'm contacting you regarding the revisions of nymalba. His designs are heading way too much to my designs. It's about these designs: #123, #85. In short, he is copying my designs. A dogshape head cut out of a circle. It was me who came up with such a style first, so I can protect it. #13
So if you want such a logo, you have to work with me.
Just wanted to let you know, it's against the rules.