Thanks Brian - the color looks different than the color code I sent, so here is the current website you can use for color reference. Either the top nav button green or the background green color on the home page. BTW - the site will be upgraded when the logo is picked, but the color scheme may stick. I also will eventually ask for turquoise just to see what that looks like in the logo, as that color scheme is an option as well.
Thanks Brian. I'll stick with your original colors as shown in #133. Please correct the top-of-the-building perspective as you mention, and change the statement "SERVING LOCAL COMMUNITIES WITH PRIDE" TO "REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT EXECELLENCE". Make the fonts for that slogan as large as possible so they are more readable on a business card while staying close to the horizontal length of the fonts above (like you have so far).
I made the updates and uploaded the files for you to review and approve (I don't get paid until you do :)
I also like to send my clients the the logo in additional file formats after these ones get approved that you will need down the road including pdf, ai, jpeg, png (with transparent background). Also files with only the icon.
Shoot me an email at and I'll send them on over after the files here are approved.