We really like the way you have written Brands for Success but feel that the element around B4S is a bit "too fat". Would it be possible for you to slim it down? Also we would like you ro round of the B so that is matches with the outside with the S, in other workd make in an ordinary B. I hope you understand what you mean.
Could you please change so that Success in in grean and Brands in Grey? Also, please remote the line that goes out from the top of the B to the circle around it. we would like to see how it looks with just a normal B. Please also remove the thin lines between Brands for Success and B4S so we can see how that looks!
Could you please try the slimer version of the B4S element that you have on #381 with the effects that you have on #367. Keep everything else just as it is.
I also have a question for you, since #367 and #369 is the same logo but in different color, how does that work? Could we get them both if we choose on of them or how does that work?
You are more than welcome, we very much appreciate all the work you have put down on the logos!
How does it work if we choose one of your logos, will it be possible to make final changes after our decision or how does that work? Do you get the logo in one color or in several?
Sorry for all the questions but as I said this is the first time we are using logotournament.
I will tell you right now that we will make our final decision on tuesday, it is public holiday in Sweden tomorrow, Friday and on Monday. As you can notice on the ranking we really really your work :-)
We have now decided on our logo and it will be your #245, we really love it and feels it is very "us"! Though we have some very small changes that we would like to do which I hope will be alright, the changes are very very small. Also as I have written before, we would love to get the logo in a white version (like #365 but with #245 as base) aswell, which I also hope will be possible.
We will choose you as our winner now and I am looking forward to keep contact with you!
I see now when I read my comment that i referred to the wrong entry, I ofcourse mean #425.
Those changes we would like to do it: 1. Remose the shadow under the "logo" (the circle to the right) 2. Change the B back to its original look with the "sharp" top left corner. (as in 367)
Will be so kind as update the logo with these changes before you uoload the files? Also please upload a white version!
Thank you very much for all your help and great work. Looking forward to stay in contact!
I see that I am very slipper on the keys today :-) Here you have the message without typingerrors, I appologize for my typingmistakes.
I see now when I read my comment that i referred to the wrong entry, I ofcourse mean #425.
Those changes we would like to do it: 1. Remove the shadow under the "logo" (the circle to the right) 2. Change the B back to its original look with the "sharp" top left corner. (as in 367)
Will you please be so kind and update the logo with these changes before you upload the files? Also please upload a white version!
Thank you very much for all your help and great work. Looking forward to stay in contact!
Thank you very much for the update. I wanted to change so that when printing the logo only will be in two colors so we will be able to use two-color printing instead of four-color printing.
Small question, what font are you using on Brands and Success?