brand new soundsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / brand new sounds

brand new sounds has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 237 designs from 38 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Designer
The registered trademark symbol visually shows brand. The word brand and sound are highlighted out as this says straight away what you are about and what you do. And the quote marks positioned like headphones suggest communication through music. Please let me know if I can make any changes for you. Thanks. BMF

(This comment references Entry #8)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
An alternative using the quote marks as stylized musical notes. BMF

(This comment references Entry #9)
15 years ago
wow by far the most developed and spot on brief right now. Well done.

I am new to this and have no idea of process or protocol in feedback so anyway here we go.

What i love most is exactly what youve stated - play with the words, emphaise the word BRAND and lessen emphasis on new and give meaning to music. For me brand is my differentiator and music is the driver. Excellent work, spot on.

I particularly love the trademark usage for the R - in fact one of my local designs has used this same treatment. I like it a lot and that is a stayer. Can i ask why you made the trademark smaller than other letters? was it too much?. Is it

What i also love is the typeface - not necessarily that typeface itself but at least it has substance, is bold and doesnt look like it came straight off a desktop font template as the others do.

I also love the idea of a strong singular visual ident ie your headphone quotations marks. Just not sure right now about that particular image. Two reasons 1) headphones says dance to me and my biz is all genres, 2) its very dominant. Those are just my top of mind thoughts on it but i still like it very much and think it is very clever. well done.

I also love your version No 9 - use of the musical notes. It feels a bit busy but again clever and it does seem to convey clearly brands in music.

anyway any tips on protocol or response would be appreciated.

again well done very impressive - especially for as quick as you did it


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, firstly that feedback was perfect. Exactly what I need to get on with the job. I can see where you think the amends might need done and have some ideas buzzing already. I tried to keep the design simple and very effective. The best brands in the world are the most simple - Nike for example - but hey, you're in this industry, so you know all about that.

I can look at making the R bigger, my reasoning was because the R is smaller when used as a registered trademark in real life, so just wanted to mimic this.

As for the font style - bold is better I take it. There's a few other I can try for you to look over.

The musical notes might work if I make just a couple and sit them differently. I will have a play at some options and upload.

No probs about the turnaround - when you have an instant concept it makes it much easier.

Will be in touch soon

Derek (Brandmaster Flash)
15 years ago
Hey thanks for the comments.

Still really impressed with what youve got and have now had time to digest and hopefully better articulate what im after. I have no doubt you understand what im trying to achieve - especially with message - brands IN music. Dont want to clutter you with words but equally dont want to lose change to convey what im here goes with round two;

1. Still love the R as trademark, but think id like to see as full size letter in word if you think appropriate.
2. Still love the variation and deemphasis of word new with grey
3. Love the bolder thicker fonts - dont really know why but suspect i just really dont like the kind of standard computer fonts that so many of the other logos seem to be using - feels way to corporate and straight for me. On fonts definitely like clean and simple but characterful and strong.
4. Love the three words being held together or even running together as one word - that was certainly how i envisioned it anyway.
5. Really love the idea of having a strong singular visual ident but unfortunately the current design no 8 just isnt working for me, ive tried all day but its not clicking with me - ill try to articulate why not - perhaps 1) too big and dominating of logo, 2) really not keen on headphone or album images as suggests dance and i need to convey all music, 3) not really sure but would love to see an alternative visual device.
6. Definitely love the idea of music or sounds of even consumers connecting - being graphically conveyed with the visual device.
7. Entry no 9 visual device is growing on me (hence my moving it to no 1 spot) but still its just not hitting the eureka spot for me...though i do like it, maybe its just a bit too busy for me. not sure.

Hopefully you can have a tweek with these comments, as id love to see what else you could do her.

thanks again for all the effort


15 years ago
ps what are your thoughts on colours with this logo? or do you see it remaining a black and white logo? ta
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, thanks for the feedback - it's really helping me, so that's great. I've been working on some other icons rather than the headphones as I know this didn't click with you. So far I'm thinking the music notes is the way to go, but I'll re-work the layout of the design shown. Make it simpler. I'll certainly have a look at making the R the same size in the text. My only concern is that the circle might knock the balance out, but we'll see how it looks.

Font-wise, I'm glad the bold is better for you as I feel this really suits the style well, so I'll look at some alternatives for you. Colors, I liked the simplistic impact of the black and white, it really creates a striking logo, but I can look at some alternatives for you - it's no problem.

I'll upload some designs later today for you to look over and we can take it from there.

Once again, thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you like the designs so far - more to come.

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, new designs. I've used the quote marks as musical notes but tried to make it more tidy than original. Also used some color - lime green - this is fresh, vibrant and cool and sits well with the black and grey that I used. Also design a couple that use sound waves coming from the quote marks. And there's another one that's a bit off the wall but wanted to show it as it might strike a cord with you (excuse the pun!). Let me know what you think. Cheers BMF

(This comment references Entry #28)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Another design creating a standalone icon which sums up brand, communication and sound. The registered trademark symbol emitting sound waves with a quote mark in the hole of the R. Let me know what you think. BMF

(This comment references Entry #34)
15 years ago
well another step forward!

must say you now present me with issue as i still love the use of the trademark in the BRAND but really like your visual device entry no 34. Really good, strong simple, clean and communicates brand music transmissions which is perfect. very clever. And im very into a visual device.

In general with all i feel im still struggling with colours and fonts.

Definitely the more i see i gravitate to clean sharp lines.

more later thanks again for all the great effort

15 years ago
just some further thoughts on fonts - while i really love no 31 and no 34 - hence their remaining at my no 1 and 2 spots, im not really into the fonts and colours. Any chance you can play around for a sharper cleaner font with those and something other than current colours. thanks
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, No probs. leave it with me. Have seen any fonts that you like that you may be able to send me a link to? I have thousands of fonts here, so i can look through and pick some, but if you have some you like also, just send them over.

Do you like the heavy bold ones or would you prefer more regular weight fonts?


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey, how's it going? Sorry for the delay - things in the office have been mega busy and it took me a while to pin down some fonts - I think the three i've shown here work really well and may be more along the lines of what you're after. I've uploaded loads of colors variations for each font - also changed the style of the icon in each of them and introduced the tagline to make it a more completed logo for you to look at. Let me know which color routes you like best and the font style you like - if you want to mix and match a font style with a different position for the icon, just let me know. Also if you want me to use any of these color options on the other design (the music notes) let me know and I can do this - I just worked with this design for the moment as it's at number one. Let me know what you need and i'll sort it for you. Cheers, and have a good weekend. BMF

(This comment references Entry #82)
15 years ago
Excellent work! To tell you the truth at this point if you werent involved, id be very disappointed in the results right now - as yours is really the only one in contention - hence why ive put all yours in the top 5.

Now specifics;

1. Like the sharper fonts much more - thanks. Of the new fonts submitted my favourite is on rankings No 1 & 2, though i also like 3 & 4 hence me keeping them there.

2. Colours. Thanks for putting giving the choices. I liked all the colours - but none really felt me - except the Black and grey ie my ranking no 1 and the reds rankings NO 2, 3, 4. Dont know what that means but i like black and white or black and red.

3. Love the new layouts - especially rankings No 1 and 2. Much sharper and working together, coming along really nicely.

4. Im sold on the trademark R idea completely. Now its just figuring whats best way of using as i really like TWO distinct aspects - A) i love the R trademark in the world brand ie Ranking No 5. Im still loathe to go away from that, (in fact the only local designer i briefed prior to logo tournament came back with only one design and it was this as well! - so i know its a good solid idea. By the way im happy to share his design with you if your cool with that - primarily because i love the font he has used - its perfect for me, and would be a best reference for you. Unfortunately dont have link but could send pdf file.)....but B) I also love the R sound wave device you have created ie in Rankings No 1-4. Really would love to be able to incorporate both - not necessarily in the same design but maybe the device used separately as brand shorthand or with selling line. Ive got some examples of this where ive been cutting and pasting bits and bobs in powerpoint - purely for my own reference and trying to get my head around it. Again id like to show these to you, one because it definitely would show you my personal design tastes which i think would help you and also for stimulus thoughts on how to use these two aspects. Anyway if too much dont worry, but if your happy to look at let me know where to send - itll be a few powerpoint presentation charts.

5. Finally as to the selling line - ive changed the word via to through ie Connecting brands to consumers through music

Thanks again for all the great effort, youve definitely streets ahead of anyone else right now. Great job

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, no probs. Send the logo over to me and I'll get a look at the font style he used. Send over your powerpoint also and I'll get the logo looking the way you want. I'll be able to combine both the R in the word and the device - so show me what you're thinking and I'll complete it.

My email address is


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, sent you an email earlier also. Any chance you can send me that keynote thing again - only this time safe it as a powerpoint doc? I don't have keynote here.


15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, new versions. I managed to get that file open so could see your comments. Have played about with the device - there's two styles - I think both look really great. Also, the starwars icon could be used as a secondary device no problem - a teaser icon for the website for example. Anyway, let me know what you think. Cheers. D

(This comment references Entry #141)
15 years ago
well again youve done a great job again.

Final comments for input are (subject to your thoughts)

1. id prefer to lose the quotation marks inside the R - and just keep it straight. I think theres enough going on to keep it differentiated and unique, and i really prefer more simple lines.

2. Id prefer on the starwars device for the whole name brand to be in the one shade of black so all words are the same.

3. I love the starwars device and definitely will use as secondary device. Think its great.

4. IM still torn between version 141 and 144. I like them both. I think youve done a great job on 141 hence why ive put it in first but i hate to lose the trademark R device by itself.

Thanks for doing all the colours - IM still not happy with any colours and think its just black and white. Dont know why im struggling so much with colours. I thinks all too much. I just like a little colour to accent ie in the use of maybe the circle or the r in inside the circle instead of both. But im happy with black and white.

Any change to see versions 141 144 149 how theyd work reversed out of black?

thanks again great job

15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, new versions attached. Have simplified the R. Also an alternative that uses both the sound waves and the ®. If you wanted to have the ® on it's own, then we could move the waves to over the word sound instead - still gives the idea - it could either sit over the S or the O (if over the O the tagline will need to be smaller. Reversed versions to follow. Cheers. BMF

(This comment references Entry #209)
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Reversed versions. Also, if there's a specific element in the logo you'd like to see a highlight color in, just let me know which one and what colors - happy to make any changes you want. Cheers. BMF

(This comment references Entry #213)
15 years ago

everything looks great

ive ranked your designs in order of preference;

Im now leaning toward using the no 212 and 216 as my main logo and then have No 209 and 213 as my secondary logos

But do still really like 211 and 215

Anyway wouldnt mind knowing which design you prefer.
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi John, my personal preference for the master logo is for 211 & 215 - I love the waves coming off the ®, but please don't let me lead you on this - it's your logo and it should be what you like best. I do like 212 & 216 also, so it's what you prefer that counts.

Really glad you like these designs - it's been a great job to be working on and you're a great client who gives feedback - which helps so much when creating work for someone.

The secondary standalone icons are really cool too - they'll work well for you.

Speak soon

15 years ago
hey derek brilliant job and yes funnily enough before i read this message - after sleeping on it - i came to the same conclusion that 211 and 215 is a better design.

But i just saw the warning message on the general board about copyright with the registered trademark - which i have to admit completely slipped my mind.

before i go forward do you have any thoughts or knowledge on this?

thanks again for excellent work!
15 years ago
Logo Designer
Alternative designs.

(This comment references Entry #236)
15 years ago
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