Here is a variation without any outline. It looks a little odd because it's hard to tell that it's a brain shape. I think I may try to add more electrodes without the outline to see if I can get more of a definitive shape :)
Hey Raspy We think #45 grew on us. Can you change the light blue which is on the bottom of brain to some reddish colour because its slightly loosing the shape? Do you think you can also do one more version with colours placed on actual parts of the brain? See hint here:
#95: great stuff! what if we rotate it, so that it "stands" on one corner? like this, it will point to the right. also, can we change the fonts, making a bit more elegant: "clicks" thinner and in gray; "decision science..." gray, so that it takes less attention. if you can work also on the colour of the triangle, like it is now it appears to dark. thanks!!
triangle standing up and with a more elegant but not over-done font, and in a lighter gray. I can also try a handwritten font as well. Also the triangle has been lightened up.
#101 looks best so far. Do you think we can try using some lighter font, something like in #45 or similar, both brain and clicks in the same size, both with normal font but brain in black and clicks in grey colour. Also do you think you can try the icon in two more colours? We would love to see it in the same colour as #78 and also chromed, same colour as apple logo. Thanks a lot :)
also, can we try with two other colours: - this red: - this green: or: what about leaving the shadow out or making it less noticeable? just a suggestion, if it doesn't look better please ignore it. just occurred to us that currently #106 has a "religious sect" feeling, but maybe it's just because of the colour... still, we do like it a lot! thanks!
Hey Raspy Looks like #106 is still our favourite. I was wondering if it would be possible to make it lying (not like in #95) but rather from the perspective?
#169 looks really nice, thanks. There are only two problems with this. It doesn't look anymore as an impossible triangle. Second is that it is missing some colour. Do you think you can try to make it more like impossible-triangle and add some colour somewhere, perhaps to text? Cheers