Brain NWLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Brain NW

Brain NW has selected their winning logo design.

For $675 they received 307 designs from 53 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Maximizing genetic potential
What We Do
Brain NW helps individuals optimize athletic performance and prevent injuries through "brain training", and also helps treat brain injuries such as concussions.
Color Preferences
Modern, grey’s and blue's
more cyborg futuristic than organic
Our Ideas & Additional Information
In BrainNW, Brain is the standout word. Bold. Strong. Stands out.

NW is connected, almost cursive, recognizable to some as "action potential" (resembling a heart beat). NW should have the Potential to be animated (picture a current going between the letters, signaling activity or function, like a heart monitor shows heart beats)
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This client got his first logo from LogoTournament, as well. It had the masculine vibe and colors down correct, but the brain image was perceived to be too literal, too medical. See that image here if you'd like:
7 years ago
The brain waves (action potential) are the actual N and W letters -- that's what is intended.
NW become brain waves.
7 years ago
Also, we're looking for ACTION POTENTIAL (sine waves, single up, single down stroke) not lightning or some other erratic pattern. Please see the attachment or Google "Action Potential" (IMAGES).
7 years ago
Lots of good potential here. Let's try "Prevention through performance" as the tagline from here out. When using the letters "NW" let's make sure they're in that order.

Re: Brain images. Let's not use small ones that can be misunderstood.
Would like to see little action potentials on line.
Want to see what Brain on top of NW looks like.
Want to see what green looks like for NW (given that Washington is the emerald state.)
7 years ago
Could I possibly see any new logos with the new tagline "Prevention through Performance"
7 years ago
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