Thanks for your interest Braid, I try to compose this concept into 3D feel but I need the concept still print in one color, I think that style much more solid. Ok, let see how that's look like.
#31 - Hi Ega, I like this latest version. You are the only designer who has gone with the "B" idea. This logo will mainly be used on the web and email, so it can be more than one color. I'm wondering if you would like to try some variations? Some ideas I have are to: 1) make the center of the 3 lines green, 2) try making one set of 3 lines darker than the other, 3) reverse it, white & green on dark blue background, 4) keeping the "B" make the braids more wire-like, less stylized, add some shading, maybe make it look like 3 wires, one solid wire running vertically, the other two striped wires winding around it to form a "B". Just some ideas, I'm totally open to your creativity, if you want to try other color combos that would be good. Thank you for your work, Braid-Tech
Hi Braid, Thanks for inputs and suggestions, it seems you want to rise a wire for this concept and that makes me modifed previous concept at the first time, I'm sorry if I say disagree this concept should be in 3D, I much prefer to stay at first time. Ok I want to show you those litlle things, I make a little change arround here, 1) More rounded at shapes that give "B" more obviously. 2) Give 3 Wire more rounded at the edge and end of the line. 4) A different color for 1 wire at the midle. 5) And erase the line between Name and tagline.
Try revise my previous work and syncronized with your last suggestions, I found problems how this gonna be but I take my best shoot to fix this. Ok.. thanks for your time.